Views: 0 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-11-14 Origin: Site
For those who are planning a trip to Phuket, please do include Hotel COMO Point Yamu, a 5-star hotel sitting on the tip of Cape Yamu, on your hotel list of your choices to stay. Like veteran travelers may choose a hotel based on the location, the amenities, and the quality of décor, COMO Point Yamu scores high in all the above criteria. What differentiates COMO from other hotels? As an insider who works in the hotel water plant, we find this may be the differentiator: The water. Innosep was assigned to build a RO water treatment system for COMO when COMO was initially constructed. The system is designed to treat water in reservoir to drinking water standard through multiple stages of filtrations. All water produced from the system that runs through hotel rooms, restaurants, and bars is RO treated water, the same quality, if not higher, as the bottled water in the convenient store. Innosep, in the past 10+ years, has been contracted to maintain the water system and check the water quality once every two months, has the insights to state that the water quality in COMO Point Yamu is one of the best you can get from hotel taps in Phuket.
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